Community Health in Kossuth County focuses on promoting the well-being of individuals and families through a wide range of services and resources aimed at prevention, education, and access to care. Partnering with organizations like Kossuth Regional Health Center, community programs work to improve the overall quality of life for residents, ensuring a healthier and more vibrant Kossuth County for all.
Community Health and Hospice provide a wide range of services from childbirth education to end-of-life care. Community Health offers immunizations, prevention programs, school health services, home care, emergency preparedness and much more.
Referrals are accepted from the patient, physicians, family, friends, clergy, hospital, nursing and home. Medicare, Medicaid, private insurance, Elderbridge and Veteran’s Administration are resources to help fund the cost of home care. If the patient does not qualify under these sources, the charge of a visit is based on a sliding fee scale, with assistance from the Iowa Department of Public Health when funds are available.
Community Health Services
- Home Health Care
- Skilled Nurse, Home Care Aide, Social Work
- Physical, Occupational & Speech Therapy
- Hospice of the Heartland
- Kossuth Growing Healthy Kids
- Childbirth & Breastfeeding Classes
- School Nursing Services
- Public Health
- Care for Yourself Program
- Vaccines for Children
- Lead Draws
- Kossuth Emergency Preparedness Team (KEPT)
- Health Promotion
- Kossuth County Board of Health
Community Health Needs Assessment
The Community Health Needs Assessment Survey is a community-wide process for identifying the most important factors impacting health in the community and developing a plan to improve overall health and wellness by building on strengths and working on gap areas. The survey is offered every few years to help local health partners learn more about the needs in Kossuth County. It is then evaluated and analyzed with new processes put into place every five years. The community assessment and improvement process has been implemented in the state of Iowa for more than 30 years and has served as the foundation for both local and statewide planning and actions to improve the health of all who live, work and play in Iowa.
Getting To Your Appointment
The community health department is located on the lower level of the hospital. Park in the main hospital parking lot located at the front (west side) of the hospital and use the main hospital entrance. A volunteer may escort you downstairs to the department, if you wish.
For more information, please contact Community Health at 515.295.4430.
Additional Community Health Resources
Healthy Community.
Stronger Future.
M-F 8am-5pm
School Health Services for Algona Public Schools
Community Health nurses provide school health services for the Algona Public schools. They are a part of the team that makes the academic experience of the students the best it can possibly be.
When in the building, school nurses see students to address health complaints and are available to the students at all other times by informing a responsible adult who can page the school nurse and request her attendance to the student. School nurses are available to participate in school meetings of any nature that a health issue might be discussed and a health professional’s input valuable. School nurses organize and conduct a health fair screening each fall. School nurses also provide the growth and development education for the 4th and 5th graders.
You may contact the school nurses by calling the school building, calling Community Health, or emailing them. They will return phone calls promptly and can make arrangements for personal visits if needed.
Additional Resources

Car Seat Technicians Available at KRHC
Local assistance is available for parents who have questions about car seat safety. Three certified child passenger safety technicians are now available to assess and evaluate child car seats and coach parents and caregivers on how to properly install the seats in vehicles.
Brianne Wilson, R.N., BSN and Melissa Woodyard, R.N. of Kossuth Regional Health Center Community Health and Ryan Miller, Algona Police Reserves, have all successfully completed the training for certification and are taking appointments for car seat checks.
Those interested in having a free car seat check can contact KRHC Community Health at 515.295.4430 or the Algona Police Department to request an appointment.
Certification Program
The certification program, coordinated through the Government Traffic Safety Bureau, trains technicians in several aspects of car seat installation, evaluation and best safety practices. The car seat check is typically a 30-minute process that involves the following activities:
- Evaluate seat for child’s current height and weight
- Check seat for proper installation, according to manufacture instructions
- Check seat for recalls from model and service number
- Demonstrate how to install the car seat and coach drivers on proper installation
- Assist in registering the car seat
For more information please call KRHC Community Health at 515.295.4430.
Keep Them Safe—Every Ride, Every Time!
Schedule your car seat safety check today.
M-F 8am-5pm