Experience The Beauty of Balance
In the spirit of Traditional Chinese Medicine, a primary goal of Essential Health Acupuncture is to provide our patients with a broader understanding of health and more lasting sense of well-being. Instead of a disease-centered focus, Traditional Chinese Medicine applies a patient-centered approach that addresses the whole person rather than simply his/her symptoms.
Essential Health Acupuncture combines the disciplines of modern science with the wisdom of ancient healing and takes advantage of the knowledge of several disciplines including, acupuncture, tui na (Chinese body work), cupping therapy, diet/nutrition education, physical, mental and emotional health, and the use of Chinese herbs. Other medical modalities that are being utilized are also taken into account to provide the utmost care for the individual. This allows patient and provider to work together to develop an integrated diagnostic and therapeutic plan that will best address the whole patient.
Meet The Team
Our Acupuncture Services Providers
Our Services
The insertion of fine needles into specific body points to stimulate, disperse, and/or regulate the flow of vital energy, known as Qi. Acupuncture has the ability to help restore health and eliminate pain by balancing and obtaining a free flow of Qi. One usually experiences a sense of deep relaxation, reduced stress, and a faster healing and recovery time.Cupping:
A technique where a glass cup is placed on certain areas of the body for a few minutes. Cupping helps stimulate circulation, reduce swelling, decrease pain, and release tension.Moxa:
A Chinese herbal treatment used to treat certain imbalances in the body. The herb is heated over specific points on the body to enhance the acupuncture point’s function, increase circulation, decrease inflammation, and ease pain.Electro-Acupuncture:
A form of acupuncture where a small electric current is passed between a pair of acupuncture needles. The current helps stimulate the flow of energy to help reduce pain, inflammation, increase circulation, and reduce stress.Tui Na:
Chinese therapeutic massage “grasping and pulling” which is used to treat a wide range of ailments. Used in conjunction with acupuncture, cupping, electro-acupuncture and/or moxa.
Common Questions
On the first acupuncture treatment, the practitioner will discuss the treatment and suggest how often a patient should return for follow-up sessions. While it’s not always necessary to get treatment every week, bi-weekly or monthly acupuncture sessions are highly recommended and will keep you in great physical and emotional health.
When patients receive acupuncture for the first time, the new sensations they experience can be hard to describe; it is a very unique and subjective experience. Often, patients report feeling a dull ache or an electric sensation around the area being needled. Most often patients fall asleep and wake feeling refreshed and relaxed. The practitioner will go to great lengths to make the session as pleasant as possible.
One of the most popular questions encountered with regard to acupuncture is why would a person need a treatment if he or she is feeling well. Acupuncture and Eastern Medicine off a holistic approach toward health and wellness that focuses on supporting the body and promoting balance. Since there is no such thing as being in perfect health, the human body is constantly expending energy trying to maintain homeostasis. By receiving acupuncture on a regular basis, the body’s resources will be replenished naturally- allowing it to perform optimally.
At Essential Health Acupuncture only disposable needles are used. Acupuncture needles are only used once, and then disposed of in a sharps container. At no point and under no circumstance are needles ever reused.
Getting To Your Appointment
When coming to Essential Health Acupuncture, park in the south clinic parking lot. Look for the sign titled “Rejuvenation Clinic” and use this entrance. Go down the stairs or use the elevator. Registration and the waiting area are located at the bottom of the stairs.
Paying For Acupuncture Services
Beginning April 1st, 2023 Essential Health Acupuncture will have updated pricing for all services.
Additional Resources
Essential Health Acupuncture
Medicine and treatments that provide patients with a broader understanding of health.
1519 S Phillips Street, Algona, IA
Mondays, Wednesdays & Thursdays