School Health Services for Algona Public Schools
Community Health nurses provide school health services for the Algona Public schools. They are a part of the team that makes the academic experience of the students the best it can possibly be.
When in the building, school nurses see students to address health complaints and are available to the students at all other times by informing a responsible adult who can page the school nurse and request her attendance to the student. School nurses are available to participate in school meetings of any nature that a health issue might be discussed and a health professional’s input valuable. School nurses organize and conduct a health fair screening each fall. School nurses also provide the growth and development education for the 4th and 5th graders.
You may contact the school nurses by calling the school building, calling Community Health, or emailing them. They will return phone calls promptly and can make arrangements for personal visits if needed.
Additional Resources
KRHC Community Health
This program is offered through KRHC Community Health.
M-F 8am-5pm