Volunteer with the KRHC Auxiliary
The mission of the Kossuth Regional Health Center Auxiliary is to promote and advance Kossuth Regional Health Center through service to KRHC’s patients, promotion of the health of the community and raising funds for special projects, equipment and programs.
The KRHC Auxiliary has a long history of helping the hospital and its patients. Many different areas and programs of Kossuth Regional Health Center have benefited from the Auxiliary’s hard work and generous donations.
Some of The Past Projects Include:
- Waiting room furniture
- Heart Monitor
- Lifeline units
- Artwork in facility
- Room renovations
- Dexascan machine
- Baby changing station in restrooms
- IHA Legislative Day
- Fetal heart monitor
- Snugglies for newborn babies
- Hearing tests for newborns
- KRHC Foundation Legacy Ball
- Employee/visitor water stations
- Three-story hospital addition campaign
- Over $10,000 to Pediatric Therapy Program
- Robes for mammography patients
- Scholarships for graduating seniors
- And much more!

Helping The Community
The Auxiliary offers an opportunity to help patients and support the services and staff of the hospital and clinic. Would you like to be a volunteer?
Not every member of the Auxiliary is alike. Each person has different interests and skills. They all contribute to the Auxiliary and the community in their own unique way. Some members help by baking or helping with the annual Auxiliary Cares fundraiser. Some members enjoy assisting patients and visitors at the admissions desk of KRHC or in the gift shop.
Check out our list of volunteer opportunities and see which ones best fit your interests and schedule. If you enjoy being involved and helping others in your community, the KRHC Auxiliary might be for you! For more information, contact the Volunteer Coordinator at 515-295-4581.
If you would like to join the Auxiliary, please download this printable membership form and send or bring it to KRHC. All KRHC volunteers are required to become a member of the Auxiliary.
KRHC is in compliance with CMS regulations for our volunteers. The following steps ensure that our volunteers are properly qualified and can provide safe and ethical care.
- Background check
- Brief health screen
- Provide vaccine documentation for immunity to measles, mumps, chicken pox, etc. (We can do a blood test if these records are not available.)
- Safety Orientation
Auxiliary Volunteer Scholarship
The KRHC Auxiliary proudly gives a $500 scholarship to six high school seniors each year who demonstrate excellence through volunteerism in the community. To apply, students must submit an application explaining how and where they volunteer in their community and why it is important.
Please send application letters to Donna Kitzinger at 64 Smith Circle, Algona, IA 50511.
Seniors that are selected for the award and recognized at the annual Auxiliary meeting each May.
Auxiliary Gift Shop
The KRHC Gift Shop is operated by our generous Auxiliary volunteers.
The gift shop is open Monday through Friday, from 8 am to 4 pm.
In the shop you can find:
- Home decor
- Toys
- Baby clothing, blankets, toys
- Purses
- Seasonal decor
- Greeting cards
- Iowa/Iowa State college decor
- Puzzles
- And so much more!